Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Winter is Coming?

 New studies suggest huge undercount of coronavirus infections — but are they right?

I have been holding out hope that many more of us than could be imagined have been exposed to corona and are asymptomatic. And this means that in no time at all we as a country have herd immunity, so that even without a vaccine we can go back to the world as it once was, with sports and travel and friends and no fear of too soon death.

The article suggests that the recent studies showing widespread asymptomatic spread have some statistical errors, and may not be all they are cracked up to be.

Here’s the punch line:

Whatever the true fatality rate, more than 40,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. California’s new serology tests suggest that many more will die before the pandemic is over.
Until we get both an effective antibody test and we do widespread testing, we won’t know for certain, but the evidence seems to suggest we are still very early in this epidemic.

Later today I read stories with the head of the CDC Director Robert Redfield warning that this winter may be bad.

CDC chief warns second COVID-19 wave may be worse, arriving with flu season

CDC Director Warns Americans Of Potential Second Wave Of Coronavirus This Winter

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," he is quoted as telling the Washington Post.

It may be spring now, but already they are talking about winter coming. I’ve heard that line before.


In Connecticut, hospitalizations are up again, particuarly in Hartford, and another 92 have died.