Friday, April 03, 2020


Connecticut has been named by the White House as one of the next “hot spots” for COVID. This is based on the fact that 15% or more of our COVID tests are positive. A University of Washington model says the outbreak will peak in this state on April 15 and our hospital’s capacities will be outstripped.

Connecticut’s COVID-19 peak could be two weeks away. The state won’t have enough hospital beds or ICU options when that happens, model predicts

I have been watching the numbers steadily creep up, but it still seems unbelievable that it will be as bad as it is other places. I say that not because I don’t believe it is possible or that it will not happen. It is just that it is still so quiet here in terms of volume, both with 911 calls and at the hospitals. The 911 service I work for has fewer cars on the road than typically. Nearly every ED in our area is slow compared to past norms.  Unless they have otr think they have COVID, most people are staying home.  Hospitals have large empty patient care tents sitting waiting for the patients to arrive.


Meanwhile the social distancing continues.

We ordered a pizza on-line last night (tip included) and the delivery driver left it on our doorstep. Connecticut has approved liquor stores to make home deliveries, too. While I could use a good drink at night, I am choosing to abstain because of alcohol’s effect on the immune system. Not that pepperoni pizza with onions is especially good. I did eat Brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower last night in generous portions!


There was an editorial in the paper calling on the governor to order shelter-in-place.

Connecticut’s stay-at-home efforts to contain the coronavirus seem tough on the surface, but Gov. Lamont needs to go further to stop the COVID-19 pandemic

And my wife went for her COVID test today, but they ran out and told her to come back tomorrow. 


Latest numbers from the state showed a big jump today.  I'm guessing most of these cases are still down state abutting New York.