Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Nursing Home Slaughter

 In Connecticut there are two nursing homes side by side, one is the north building, the other is the south building. They are owned and operated by the same company. I’m guessing the buildings are maybe ¼ mile apart. I have transported patients in and out of both buildings over the years.

35 people have died of COVID-19 in the North building, 0 in the South.

A Connecticut nursing home, Kimberly Hall North in Windsor, has had 35 deaths due to coronavirus outbreak

They had the same protocols, and similar staffs.

What happened?

COVID 19 got in the North building and room by room started killing old people.

Like a school-shooting, if COVID had made it in the South building the same thing might have happened.

It shows how deadly and infectious the germ is.

No nursing home is safe once COVID-19 bursts through the door.