Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Keep Your Guard Up

 I worked at the hospital today.  I was curious to see how our COVID numbers were doing (after being off for a few days) and like most of the state they have been dropping.  Still a few coming in, some of whom had previously been diagnosed as positive.  It feels here at least in this area that the first wave is over and we are looking at a break for a while.  I got word today that my daughter’s softball team is hoping to start their season on June 20 when the second phase of reopening starts.  The sports world was full of news of the pro leagues getting closer to playing -- all except baseball which is fighting over money and threatens to lose many of its fans if it doesn't show more love for the game and respect for the fans.

We won’t know for a few weeks given COVIDs incubation period whether or not the reopenings will lead to any significant spikes.  Hopefully the good weather and outdoors will help dissipate the bug.

I did want to mention one note of caution.  I send notifications to EMS whenever a person they bring in tests positive for COVID.  If they did not adequately protect themselves and were exposed they can self isolate and or get tested.  In the early days we had many cases of surprise COVID, but then we went through a long period where everyone was fully gowned up.  Today we had the first case in a while of responders failing to mask up for a patient (a fall victim) who turned out to be a COVID positive.  The responders had taken him at his word when he said he had no COVID contacts, and no fever or cough.  You may not have to gown up for every patient, but you should be putting a mask on yourself and masking every patient you encounter.

I’m back in the city tomorrow and will have mine on, for sure.