Sunday, October 20, 2019

PEARL # 3: Make space for your cardiac arrest.


You can’t work an arrest if you don’t have space to do effective CPR. I often come into a bedroom where responders are trying to work a code, and I will flips beds up on their sides, clear out couches, or if the patient is wedged in the bathroom, haul them out into the hallway, stopping so there is an open door in line with their chest.  Ideally you need room on both sides of the patient’s chest for compressors and room at the top for the airway management and space for your supplies.  Make use of your help.  In this age of stay and play for cardiac arrest, if you are going to be there for awhile, make certain you have the best conditions for an effective resuscitation.  

Stay Tuned for next cardiac Arrest Pearl # 4 CPR Coach