Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cardiac Arrest - Pearls

 Paramedics all take ACLS every two years, and we all have roughly similar protocols. We all know that the key to resuscitation is high quality CPR and early defibrillation. I love this graph I found on Rogue Medic's blog a number of years ago.

This graph is the answer to the test. We read about the latest gizmos and approaches over the years – everything from high- dose epinephrine, the ResQPOD, CPR machines, double sequential defibrillation to the latest head up CPR, but despite their early promises, few innovations make a difference beyond the basics. Those basics will likely always be good CPR and early defibrillation.

What I will offer in a series of posts is not a new way of doing CPR or a new device, just some pearls that I have learned to include in my resuscitations over the years that work for me.

Pearl #1  Recognizing Cardiac Arrest