Friday, February 04, 2005

Friday Nights Out

Terry is a pisser. She's a tiny little lady who's almost sixty, looks almost fifty, and acts twenty-nine.

Friday night is her night on the ambulance. She does the 23:00 to 8:00 shift with Alan and Ken. I come in at 6:00 to relieve Alan.

She is having a friend and the friend's boyfriend over for lunch at her house.

"Terry's quite a wild woman," her friend tells the boyfriend. "She's married, but every Friday night she sleeps with other men."

"That's right," Terry says. "And tonight's my night out."

The boyfriend looks puzzled. "What does your husband think about that?"

"He wasn't happy at first, but he got used to it."

"You sleep with other men?"

"Usually two, another one comes in at six. The more the merrier I say."

Terry's son enters the room then.

"Ask my son," Terry says.

"What does your mom do on Friday nights?"

"Sleeps with other men," he says without missing a beat. He kisses her and wishes her a good day.

"She has a signup list. Maybe you can put your name on it."

"I occasionally have openings," Terry says, "But I think I'm booked for the next couple weeks. I do enjoy new partners."

The phone rings. Its Alan. "Hey," she says. "You bet we're on for tonight. " She says to the man. "One of my guys." Back into the phone. "I'll be there ready to ride at eleven o'clock. All night long if neccessary. You bet. Hold on a minute. There's a gentleman here who has a question for you." She hands the phone to the man. "As him if you want."

"What are you doing tonight?" he asks.

"Sleeping with Terry. Every Friday night," Alan says. "Though some nights we don't sleep at all."

"You've heard of the red light district," Terry says. "That's where I am every Friday night."