Thursday, January 25, 2007


I read today that SAVED, the TNT paramedic drama, will not be renewed.


Yahoo Report

I bet it will come out in DVD and become a cult classic.


I have been trying to call for morphine for all my patients with abdominal pain lately unless they are bleeding. So far I have been getting orders. Yesterday I asked for 5 mg for a patient with a history of undifferentiated abdominal pain. The doctor told me since I didn't know what was causing the pain, I could only give 2 mg, which wasn't enough to do much. It was largely my fault. My patch was a bit meandering and most significantly, I forgot to give the patient's weight -- 100 kg, which probably would have clinched the 5 mg. At least they knew she was in pain and had been started on the narcotic route.


I've rewritten my 10 Things Every Paramedic Needs to Know about Capnography handout and have done a lot of work to the site:

Capnography for Paramedics

I am also working on a handout for ED staff, called "What We're Talking About," which I will be passing out at a skills session I am teaching at one of the hospitals to educate them about EMS capnography.


My paycheck has been screwed up the last couple weeks, partially my fault as sometimes I forget I have punched in, particularly if I come in early, so after checking my gear I repunch in, and end up getting paid for only an hour, instead of twelve. Anyway, I called the timekeeper lady today -- I've dealt with her a few times in the past and each time I am amazed at how calm and friendly she is, and I always hangup feeling like I've just visted another planet where there exists something called customer service.

I wish I could be like that on all my calls, completely unphased by irate and demanding people, leaving them all dazed with pleasantness.