Sunday, December 18, 2005

Diamond in the Rough (Update)

Back in August I posted the first three chapters of a novel I have been revising called Diamond in the Rough. Instead of posting additional chapters on this site, I have set up a secondary site where the chapters can be read by those interested. I will post on here when I have added new chapters. Right now I have chapters 1-9 posted.

Before you read them and pass judgement, I need to add some cautions and qualifiers. There are characters in this book (particuarly Fred) who do things that I do not obviously endorse. My main character (the narrator), who I hope will be viewed as symphathetic, will do things that are clearly unacceptable. This novel is based on a true incident, and grew out of a challenge I gave myself to find out why someone did what they did, and to try to write a story that might explain how someone would come to do such a deed. While some people may take offense to the behavior of some EMTs in this story, as they should, I hope in the end that the book will offer some kind of redemption. Lastly while the book is based on a true incident, all of the characters are entirely fictional. Any resemblence to real people is entirely coincidental.

Here then is the link:

Diamond in the Rough